Leo Tavares  (31 May 2020)
"PROOF OF GOD (19/37)"

 Grace, Peace and Blessings to the body of 1480,

My work shows that the numbers 19 and 37 represent two key numbers in Biblical Numerics. I would now like to share a powerful series of discoveries I made that reveal the geometric signature of the 19/37 code.

I have uncovered a mind-boggling 5-step PROOF OF GOD that you can read about in my article here : https://sites.google.com/site/mathematicalmonotheism/phi-star-of-genesis-1-1

1) I show how the 19th Triangle forms a natural geometric display of 568 counters, which is the sum of the first 19 Primes and is tied to the numerical signature of Jesus Christ (through the Prime Factorizations of the first 19 Fibonacci numbers)

2) I show how this natural geometric display self-intersects to form three joined Hexagrams of 754 total counters (Standard Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 754)

3) I show how this natural geometric display of 754 counters is precisely accommodated by T55, which sections off three equal Trapeziums of 819 counters within the 37th Hexagon (Standard Hebrew "Lord Jesus Christ" = 819)

4) I show how this natural geometric display of 754 counters is surrounded by precisely 3168 counters (within the 37th Hexagon), which is the Standard Greek value of "Lord Jesus Christ"

5) I show how the first 19 Prime numbers themselves yield the Ordinal Greek value of "Lord Jesus Christ" (294) when placed in the form of a Hexagon


 Battalion Of Christ,

Leo Tavares (aka Bini aka Megiddo)