Laurie (31 May 2020)
"re: Denis Hart, Rebekah and Isaac- a Rapture Love Story"


I enjoyed that you posted this again.  It is so right in line where we are in God’s time table.  Having looked at these passages before, I would like to suggest that looking deeper into the rest of the “type” will give more information to the description of what is taking place.  Here are some questions that remain for me after reading your post.

1. It appears that after Rebekah shows up at home with jewelry from the servant, that her brother Laban jumps on the band wagon and offers lodging for the servant and a meal.  Maybe he was hoping for some jewels as well and in a way he did get a reward for in the next generation, his daughters become part of the line of promise through Jacob.  I thought that was interesting.  Haven’t thought through the complete significance of that yet.

2.  Also, it is not just Rebekah that leaves the homeland for the land of promise.  Rebekah's childhood nurse as well as her servant girls went with her.  It would appear that none of them were married for no husbands were mentioned.  There were 10 camels and 10 meaning "all that was in view of the matter”, would mean all of the wealth from Abraham had was at the disposal of the servant ( Gen 24:10, Then the servant took ten of his master’s camels and departed, for all his master’s goods were in his hand.) to attain a bride for his son, as well as all of the chosen riding those camels back.  Those other woman have to be factored into the equation.  Rebekah is the only one that is properly garbed to meet Isaac- she put’s on her veil signifying who she is- as she meets Isaac out in the outer part of the new country she has traveled to in order to meet him.  It can’t be earth, in the type for today, it must be in the outer region of the heavens, for Isaac did not travel to the other land, but stayed on his property.   He was  in the field no doubt praying about the travel of his soon to be bride….  what a beautiful picture for us as believers.

Anyway, thank you for bringing this beautiful passage to mind again.

We are so close to our bridegrooms appearance,
