Chance (31 May 2020)
"Contact Tracing And What It Will Mean To Each Of Us"

Hello John and Doves,

It's important to know what 'contact tracing' is and how it will affect us.

I think we can see how easily this can 'get out of control' and be abused.

Tens of thousands of people have already applied for these jobs in the different states.  And there is a company created for processing applications and it has already received some 80,000 job applications!  They are looking for "empathetic, compassionate" people to field these jobs.
What contact tracing firms are looking for in applicants - Business Insider

Some people may apply just because they need a job.  And it looks like minimal training - 20 hours - 8 hours hands on, 12 hours on line.  Hardly 'extensive' training.  So it looks like this 'training' will only be a small part of their actual job.  The salary varies per state:  the county of Ventura, for example is paying 26,000 to 35,800 annually.

I doubt these people are being hired for their 'empathy and compassion' when Dr. Redfield of the CDC said that contact tracing "would be an essential component in reopening the country...It's going to be critical...We can't afford to have multiple community outbreaks that can spiral up into sustained community transmission - is it is going to be VERY AGGRESSIVE."  They will use cell phone data, surveillance footage, credit card transactions, neighbors, employers, friends, etc.
What it takes to become a COVID-19 contact tracer: job post | Miami Herald

The monitoring has already started:
Workers Around The World Are Being Monitored By Digital Contact Tracing Apps

I see that my state is in 'recruiting' mode:
What is contact tracing, and which states are hiring for the coronavirus? | TheHill

And here is a youtube - this woman actually took the course - see what she has to say about 'contact tracing'.
(67) Contact Tracing Scarier Could Possibly Imagine - YouTube

Here is how Washington State is going about contact tracing - might be a template for other states:
Washington Begins Contact Tracing: Here's How It Will Work

I can see this going badly, very badly.

And states are jumping on board with this! 

I wonder what their uniforms will look like.  Braunhemden?

Surely His return is near!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

