A Goodrick (31 May 2020)
"We Will Never Be OffLine"

John and Doves,
The Church is very privileged to have Pastor Brandon Holthous of

Rock Harbor Church

to explain Bible Prophecy
clearly and easily to be understood.

The phrase "we will never be offline" was on the cover of TIME magazine,
and that about sums it up.

In this week's episode Pastor Brandon speaks of COVI-PASS: DIGITAL HEALTH PASSPORT and it's role in our admission into society.

He speaks of VCODE with unlimited powers of data
information about you, regarding your validation
to participate in society.

Here is this weekend's sermon:


If that link doesn't work,
You can put into google:
Bible Prophecy Update Holthaus.

There you will find all the thumbnails to his series.
If you have friends that are new to Bible Prophecy, they can watch all of his series and be up to date on how current happenings were predicted thousands of years ago in the Bible.

Evangelism counts heavily in these Last of the LAST DAYS.
"All things work together for good to those who love God, and are called according to His purpose"
Romans 8:28