1 Cor 10:31 (31 May 2020)
"we want something to look forward to  (PURE DEBAUCHERY!!!)"

By 1 Cor 10:31


*SIGHS!*   We knew people’s behavior would get EVEN WORSE as states/countries reopen & as we get closer to the end of days!!!  OUR FATHER SAID THERE’D BE DAYS LIKE THIS!!!!!!




Their quote:  “We don’t know what the future holds….. we just want something to look forward to.”






Furnace fire was “fun”, too, eh??  I don’t know what that is exactly – didn’t look it up  (imagination is ENOUGH!!)


But the FURNACE FIRE they are soon heading to ~ is NOT fun!!!!!!


No coffee breaks, no swinging partners, no smiles, no friends to associate with, and definitely no laughter!!!!


Only gnashing of teeth & screaming for all eternity as they burn in fire & brimstone without even a second’s break – in blackness of darkness!


IF it’s not too late for them – IF they have not turned reprobate already (and only the Lord knows!)  then perhaps in His goodness & mercy the Lord would grant them repentance – if only they’d turn to Him & seek His face & His ways!!



What say you:   Let’s get out of here!!!!


Titus 2:13  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.


Are YOU Titus 2:13’ING today??



