Neil Lipken (26 May 2019)
"Target stores sponsors gender ideology to third graders"

Target stores donating $100,000 to promote gay lifestyle to school children

The hour is VERY late now in these End Times.   The Middle East "peace process" began in November of 1977 when President Anwar Sadat of Egypt flew to Israel in hopes of finding a "comprehensive Middle East peace".   That was over 41 years ago, and the "peace process" is still underway.   Right after the upcoming Rapture, the antichrist will appear on the global stage and make this FALSE peace, and this event (Daniel 9:27) will begin the 7 year Tribulation Period which will culminate with the Second Coming of Christ, Israel's long rejected Messiah.   Life after the Rapture will be terrifying for those left on earth!   The generation to see Israel's return as a nation (1948) will see all end time events fulfilled!   The further we move into these End Times, evil is abounding more and more!  

When the gay lifestyle becomes mainstream in a society, God's fierce judgment always follows!   It happened in Sodom, it happened in the Roman Empire.   The gay lifestyle is an abominable sin!

1 Corinthians 6:9 & 10
Romans 1:26-32

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a DETESTABLE ACT; they shall surely be put to death.  Their blood guiltiness is upon them."

Isaiah 5:20
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.........."

Many high schools now sponsor and promote gay clubs within their premises!   Evil is being lifted up as being good!

In our times the churches are becoming more and more lukewarm, and apostasy is everywhere!   Pastors do not want to confront difficult topics, becoming "people-pleasers" rather than "God-pleasers"!   Tell the congregations what they want to hear rather than what they most definitely need to hear!   Make sure everyone has a pleasant Sunday lunch after church!   Don't get anyone upset and keep the building fund coming in!   

Isaiah 30:9 & 10
"For this is a rebellious people, false sons, sons who refuse to listen to the instruction of the Lord; who say to the seers, 'You must not see visions'; and to the prophets, 'You must not prophecy to us what is right, SPEAK TO US PLEASANT WORDS, PROPHESY ILLUSIONS'."


P.S.   Throughout the Bible the Rapture happens in conjunction with an event of "sudden destruction" upon those left.   I have seen many dreams and visions (Joel 2:28) of missiles coming into the U.S. at virtually the same time the Rapture happens.