Greg Wilson (26 May 2019)




Temple construction in Jerusalem will be a sign to Israel that God's attitude toward Israel generally, and the called out remnant specifically.


I believe that the Scriptures suggest that Temple construction is the first and most important event, from God's perspective, following the return from an exiling judgment of the Jew.   Israel (Judah) went into exile in 606 B.C., as prophesied by Jeremiah.  In 586 B.C., the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple.   In 536 B.C., Cyrus, who defeated the Babylonians,  released Israel from  Babylon and a remnant returned to Jerusalem.  The first thing the remnant did was commence the reconstruction of the Temple.  They did this before they rebuilt their homes.


Now, we must observe God's attitude during this period of returning from exile.  The prophet Haggai says that from the 24th day of the 9th month, even from the day that the foundation of the Lord's temple was laid...from this day will I bless you. (Haggai 2:18-19)   This event represented God's visitation upon the remnant Jewish nation which returned from Babylon.  Jeremiah foretold this visitation.  He said: "For thus after 70 years be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you..."  He continues with an affirmation of God's attitude toward this remnant group of Jews saying: "[I will] perform my good word toward you, in causing you to return to this place." (Jeremiah 29:10)   God continued and providing insight into His mind saying: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jeremiah 29:11)   This expected end is affirmed by the prophet Zechariah, one of the prophets which returned to Jerusalem at this time.  (Zechariah 1:13)  


Now, Zechariah 1 speaks again to Israel from the year 520 B.C.  Zechariah speaks about another 70-year period which is following by a Temple being constructed.   This 70-year is described as 70-years of God's indignation, unlike the 70-years of Babylonian exile which was described as a period of "desolations".   The Scriptures define  "indignation" and "desolations" as opposite terms.  There are many Bible commentators who describe Zechariah 1:12 70-year period as representing another description of the Babylonian exile (606 B.C-536 B.C) or the 70-year period from 586 B.C to 516 B.C., from First Temple destruction to Second Temple completion.


There are three principal reasons for considering that the Temple construction referred to in Zechariah 1:12-16, which follows a 70-year period, does not represent the Babylonia exile, but another period in time.


First, the description of a 70-year period as a time of indignation contradicts the description of the Babylonian exile as a time represented by the desolations of Jerusalem and the cities of Judah. (Jeremiah 25:11, 18, 34:22; Daniel 9:2)   The Scriptures define desolation as a time when the Jew would be in exile and not inhabiting the land.  Indignation represents God's attitude when the disobedient Jew inhabits the land.


Second,  God's attitude during this period of 536 B.C. to 516 B.C, the return from exile and Second Temple construction, represents a period of God's blessing, as noted above.  It is not a period of indignation.


Third, God had returned to Jerusalem and blessed Second Temple construction as noted by the Jeremiah 29 passages.  In the Zechariah 1:16 passage, God says He "is returned to Jerusalem" in the context of Temple construction.   It is generally accepted that this chapter of Zechariah was written in 520 B.C., sixteen years after the Temple foundation had been laid to the ground.   This verse would make no sense in the context of 520 B.C. based on the fact that Jeremiah said God would visit Jerusalem with the return from exile in 536 B.C.


What are we to make of Zechariah 1:12-16?   We must look to a different time.  A time when the Jew inhabits God's land.  A time when the Jew is in opposition to "the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus".  (Revelation 12:17, 14:12)  A time when the Jew possesses the "spirit of antichrist". (1 John 4:3)  I offer you the 70-year period 1949-2019.  God visited Israel in the years 1948 and 1949 and fought for Israel as she possessed the promises. (Joshua 5:13-15; Ezekiel 38:8, 12)   In 1949, following the successful possession of Canaan by war, the world nations invited and admitted Israel as the 59th member of the U.N.   The "fig tree" (Israel) and "all the trees" (U.N.) prophecy was fulfilled. (Luke 21:29)  A generation count was initiated. (Psalm 90:10)  This generation count aligns with Zechariah 1:12 70-year period.  Take 1949 and add 70 years.  This is 2019.  Now add 7 for Daniel's years.  This is 2026.  A person who observed the nation formation event of Israel which began in 1948 and was completed in 1949 would fall well within the generational group inferred by the Fig Tree parable.


Now, I am of the opinion that Israel, while physically inhabiting God's land, is in fact, experiencing a spiritual exile, a time when they are blind and deaf. (Romans 11:7-10)   But, Israel must be strong and self-reliant before the commencement of Daniel's 70th week. (Daniel 9:27)


If Israel is in a spiritual exile, then following the end of this exile, God should return to Jerusalem and Third Temple (Tribulation Temple) construction should begin.  This is exactly what is described in Zechariah 1:12-16.   Israel's Minor Prophets consistently speak to the Second Advent of Christ and Zechariah may well be proclaiming the period of time preceding the Time of Jacob's Trouble.


This is merely a summary.  I wanted to suggest a pattern of Temple construction following Israel's return from exile.  Today, the Temple Institute has prepared for this day.  They set up the altar and sacrificed last December.  The priests have been trained.   What are they waiting for?  They cannot build the House of the Lord without His declaration.  And such a declaration is contained in Zechariah 1:16, which is certainly not a reference to the Second Temple of Zechariah's day.


If we are the temple of God as Paul affirmative states, then we must depart prior to the dispensational shift which will happen prior to Temple construction and the commencement of Daniel's 70th week, the Time of Jacob's Trouble.


The covenant of God's grace through faith alone, apart from works,  in the atoning works of Jesus will end.  Then, God will confirm His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Genesis 22:16; 1 Chronicles 16:16-17; Psalm 105:8-11)   Surely, God will affirm the suspended Abrahamic covenant when He permits Temple construction. (Zechariah 1:16; Daniel 9:27)   Daniel's covenant  (9:27) is the fullness of the Abrahamic covenant.  The Abrahamic covenant was the subject of "the oath of God".  It was extraordinary.  Do you think that it was an accident or coincidence that the "confirmed covenant" of Daniel 9:27 just happens to be the 22,016th verse of the Bible.  Genesis 22:16 calls to verse number  22016,  just as the Holy One of Israel testifies as the Root and Offspring of David in Revelation 22:16.   Coincidence?  No such thing in the Scriptures of Truth!   Hear O Israel, the Holy One of Israel is coming.  And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. (Revelation 19:15)