Gino (26 May 2019)
"RE: F.M. Riley: 50.19.19: Fleeing to Redemption"

Pastor Riley,
You mentioned a few striking things:

 Their Flight 
     How did the Lord know that many modern Jewish homes would still be designed like the ancient homes of the Jews?   How?  Because the Lord Jesus is God incarnate, exactly as He claimed to be.  Modern Jewish homes are built with a flat reinforced roof, and a stairway leading up to the roof on the outside of the home, so that people can work or relax on the roofs of their houses.  Notice that the Lord told them to not even take the time to go back into their homes for anything, but rather to flee. 
       Likewise for those working in the fields.  They are told not to even go back for their clothes.  Just forget about their clothes and flee.  Obviously, seconds will mean the difference between saving their lives or being killed.  

Recent accounts of the large missile barrage contain descriptions similar to what you wrote, where they described that wherever they were, they only had seconds to flee to a bomb shelter. That sounds way too coincidental.