Garry B (26 May 2019)




Scripture describes the chronological order of the last-days events by the chronological order of the FIVE last-days earthquakes. All five of these earthquakes have their epicenter in Israel :



The FIRST earthquake is described in Ezekiel 38:18-19 , and it is also THE VERY SAME earthquake that is described as the FIRST event of the Sixth Seal in Revelation 6:12 :


" It will come to pass AT THE SAME TIME that Gog comes against the land of Israel.......Surely IN THAT DAY there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel......" Ezekiel 38:18-19

"I looked when He opened the SIXTH SEAL, and behold, there was a great earthquake...."  Revelation 6:12



The SECOND earthquake is described in Revelation 8:5 which is  AFTER Jesus opens the Seventh Seal judgments upon the whole world :


"Then the angel took the censor, filled it with fire from the alter, and thru it to the earth, and there were................and an earthquake." Revelation 8:5



The THIRD earthquake is described in Revelation 11:12-14  which happens IN THE SAME HOUR that God's two witnesses are resurrected to heaven which is the end of the Second Woe:


"And they ascended to heaven in a cloud .......IN THE SAME HOUR there was a great earthquake ...and seven thousand people were killed..."  Revelation 11:12-14



The FOURTH  earthquake is described in Revelation 11:15-19 AFTER the seventh angel sounded his trumpet judgment upon the whole world :


"Then the seventh angel sounded.........And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake and great hail."  Revelation 11:15-19



The FIFTH and last earthquake is described in Revelation 16:17-19 AFTER the seventh angel pours out his bowl judgment upon the whole world saying, "It is done!"


"And there were noises, thunderings, and lightnings, and there was a great earthquake SUCH A MIGHTY AN GREAT EARTHQUAKE AS HAD NOT OCCURRED SINCE MEN WERE ON EARTH."


AFTER the FIFTH AND LAST, AND GREATEST,  EARTHQUAKE is the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ who then defeats the anti-Christ at the Battle of Armageddon. 




The last-days BEGIN with God's Gog-Magog War of tribulation judgment upon Israel including the FIRST last-days earthquake of Seal Six. The SECOND last-days earthquake happens AFTER Jesus opens the Seventh Seal tribulation judgments upon the whole world. The THIRD last-days earthquake happens IN THE SAME HOUR that God's Two Witnesses are resurrected to heaven. The FOURTH last-days earthquake happens AFTER the seventh angel sounded his trumpet judgments upon the whole world. The FIFTH last-days earthquake happens AFTER the seventh angel pours out his bowl judgments upon the whole world saying, "IT IS DONE !".


The last-days END by the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ who defeats the anti-Christ at the Battle of Armageddon. 



Come Lord Jesus !