Denis Hart (26 May 2019)
"A (Political) Miracle in Australia!!"

A (Political) Miracle in Australia!!

I have always believed in miracles (Prime Minister Scott Morrison)

The election victory of Scott Morrison and the Liberal/National Party on Saturday 18 March 2019 was an unexpected miracle.  In brief, Australia has elected a Prime Minister who attends a pentecostal church.  He commenced his victory speech with the now famous words 'I have always believed in miracles'. He and his wife had to wait some time before they could have children, so he sees his two children as miracles as well.

All the polls before the election indicated a Labor victory. One betting agency was so sure that Labor would win that they (unwisely) paid out those who had backed Labor before the election - then had to pay out those who had backed Scott Morrison!!

I do not want to go into the reasons for preferring Morrison as Prime Minister, but we prayed for righteous government.  Against all odds, the Morrison government now holds an outright majority in the House of Representatives (the vital lower house in Australia's parliament).

Sir Alfred Lord Tennyson said that more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.  While the hard work of party supporters is very much appreciated, this victory was birthed through intercessory prayer across Australia, and in other nations who see Australia as a nation of destiny.  The famous tennis player Margaret Court played a major role in encouraging prayer and fasting for the election

There were many who travailed in prayer more than me, but I would like to share two things.  I was at a prayer meeting at the Canberra House of Prayer (C-HOP) more than a week before the election, and this was linked electronically across Australia and to some countries, including an intercessor in the US who was up at 4 am.  We even sang songs of victory, even though the path to victory seemed so unlikely.  After the hook up, with around a dozen people in the room at C-HOP, I took out my car keys and said that Jesus held the keys to the Lodge (the residence for the Prime Minister in Canberra) – who they would go to depends on prayer!!  He has given those keys to Scott Morrison and now we will pray for greater righteousness in the land.

At a later prayer meeting, on the eve of the election, I prayed that Dave Sharma would win his seat in Sydney, as he had been Australia’s Ambassador to Israel and had an empathy and understanding of Israel. He did, win  in a close contest.

This is, I believe a beginning of miracles in Australia.  While we wait for His Return, and in particular the Rapture, this has taught me that we, like Elijah, can pray for His sovereignty over nations!! And we will see more miracles!!  Like Scott Morrison, I have always believed in miracles!

Maranatha!!  Denis in Canberra!!