The Latter-Day Letters

Colossians 4:16
"After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea ."

It is interesting to note that 1/3 of the 66 books ofthe Bible is in the form of "letters".The last 22 books of Scripture are letters written by the apostles to the churches and their co-workers. It is alsointeresting to note that there are 22 Hebrew letters in all, from Aleph to Tav (see Psalm 119) , i.e. from Alpha to Omega. If it seems coincidental that there are 22 Hebrew alphabets ( letters) and 22 Epistles (letters ) and both sets are "letters", I would rather
attribute that to the wisdom of God displayed. Do write in your letters to be read by all and do read the letters from all. May the grace of God be with you.

Please send your letters, questions, articles or reports to John Tng at

Please note that it is impossible for even two like-minded souls to agree on everything. You should read these letters with this in mind and pray for understanding from the Spirit of Truth. Thank you.

WWW Five Doves

20 May 2018

Titus 2:11: For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
Titus 2:12: Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
Titus 2:13: Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Titus 2:14: Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Name Message
Paul N. F.
The Praying Man: Purity and Honesty Are Essential
How Weird Is This? Amazing Catch
Profound Words
Carol re the 70th week and the Holocaust
Impending War? Looks like It !
RE: Fay: 05.13.18: weariness and confusion
RE: Nathan: 05.13.18: Hebrews 5:8-9
RE: Greg Wilson: 05.13.18: Daniel's 70th week
RE: F.M. Riley: 05.13.18: right on schedule
Gary Rich
God's Idea of real Success
Gary Rich
Deposit into Eternity
Garry B
When is the antichrist revealed ?
Garry B
Garry B
The Gentile Believers will be in Heaven for 42 months or 3 1/2 years - there is no 7 year tribulation
FM Riley
Spiritual Discernment
FM Riley
Matthew 24
FM Riley
Matthew 24
FM Riley
The Harvest
Songs to share
Elliot Hong
3 Possibilities
Michael C
Ephesians 3:14-21
Greg Wilson
Pentecost 2018:  May 20 or May 27?
Luis Vega
EMBASSY CELEBRATIONS - Encrypted Meaning of Plaque Names
The Five Crowns We Strive For " by Robert Berlanger
Kevin H
(VIDEO) Watch "An Explanation of 2 Peter 3:3" on YouTube
Countdown for Zionist Regime's Collapse Starts
Turkey Calls For Unification/Action Against Israel
Emergency Meeting Called for the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Communique of the Islamic Conference in Response to Grave Developments in the State of Palestine
Results of the Emergency Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Meeting
The Trump Administrastion Mideast Peace Plan
Neil Lipken
An Outstanding Song About the Rapture from 1977!
Mary Adams
I remember
Patty H
Re:  Opening up churches in Saudi Arabia
John C
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(URL) THE COUP IS STILL UNDERWAY: Every American Must Watch This Episode of Life, Liberty & Levin
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(URL) ‘Hezbollahstan has 120,000 rockets pointed at Israel’
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(URL) Tucker Carlson: 'Modern Liberalism Is a Religious Movement' to Replace Christianity | Breitbart
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(URL) The UN Is Trying To Force Americans Into A ‘Legally Binding’ Climate Pact.
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KS Rajan
(URL) By Deleting 'Husband and Wife,' Episcopal Church Will Delete More Members
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(URL) Mike Huckabee: California in ‘massive attack on Christianity’
KS Rajan
(URL) Trump Administration Rejects Iranian and Somali Refugees Cast-off From Australia
KS Rajan
KS Rajan
(URL) Sen. Graham to Naysayers on US Embassy Move: 'Take It Up With God'
KS Rajan
(URL) Radicalism: The Real Shock Was the Reaction of the Americans...
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KS Rajan
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KS Rajan
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KS Rajan
KS Rajan
(URL) Obama’s Deep State Plant In Trump Campaign
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(URL) Muslim leaders call for international protection force for.
Tony Els
Americans now name their babies ‘Melania’
Tony Els
(VIDEO) A Muslim Student tries to Challenge Ravi Zacharias
Tony Els
(VIDEO) EMERGENCY MESSAGE: Facebook Purge Goes Live May 24th 2018…
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(VIDEO) Moon Mission Canceled - AGAIN...Hmm, Anyone else Notice a Pattern here?
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(VIDEO) Why Hawaii's volcano is so UNUSUAL
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(VIDEO) CREEPIEST ICO EVER?!? - This Project Should NOT EXIST!!!
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(URL) Fox News Host: Trump Fulfilled Biblical Prophecy By Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Letters (13 May 2018)

Letters (6 May 2018)

Letters (29 Apr 2018)