Fay (27 May 2018)
"Warning Signs ! Hilina Slump?"

For weeks now, MrMBB333 has been reporting weather and animal anomalies. Strange animal behavior - water disappearing etc. The radiation levels in the USA are very high. I have given a few links for examples. The earthquake news from Dutchsinse is revving up too. Big time. Add the Hawaii volcano into the mix and it becomes clear that our earth is sending distress signals to all of us. The politics - rumors of wars, threats of wars etc., are utterly compelling, but it's our planet that is shouting for our attention - bellowing for our attention. We need to watch this closely. Our LORD Jesus stands at the threshold.

Its looks like its going to happen...

At what point COULD the Hilina Slump slide off into the ocean?

Apocalyptic scenario about to unfold in N Arabian Sea - S Oman