Phil (28 May 2017)
"TRUMP’s VISIT TO ISRAEL 22-23/5/2017"


John and Doves,

Obama was inaugurated as President of the USA on 20/1/2009
Obama visited the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Israel on 22/3/2013.
From 20/1/2009 to 22/3/2013 = 1522 days.

Trump visits Israel on 22/5/2017 and 23/5/2017.
From 22/3/2013 to 22/5/2017 = 1522 days.
The number of days between these two pairs of events is 1521 days or 39x39 days or (13+13+13) x (13+13+13) days.

1522+2251 = 3773.
3773 = 2701+1072.
2701 is the Hebrew gematria for the first verse of the Bible, God's word.
2701 = 37x73.
2701, the ONLY number which, when mirrored and added contains its own factors, 37 and 73.
37 forwards and backwards.
37, that most sublime of all numbers!

Can it be coincidence that 1522 days occurs both between Obama's Inauguration and his visiting the Church of the Nativity and then from that same day to Trump's visit to Israel and possible visiting the same Church?
And then when the 1522 number is mirrored and added that it adds to such a significant number connected with the first verse of the Bible which is itself the product of mirroring the Hebrew gematria of the first verse of the Bible?

Keep looking up,
