The unscheduled meteor shower on 5/25/2017 is still on-going into 5/26/2017.The average meteors per-hour has 'increased' to be over 60/per hour burning in our atmosphere. This is just the beginning of Revelation 6:13 I believe.--- "The stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a "mighty wind".---By the way solar winds have increased, hitting the earth with 'no-explanation' of where the solar wind is even coming from. I wonder if this is the 'mighty wind' of Revelation 613. "The stars of heaven fell unto the earth".---I believe that the stars of heaven fell unto the earth is an on-going meteor event. I'm readjusting my schedule because I do not want to miss any signs, we are that close to the end of this age. The rapture could be under 120 days from the time I have written this post.