Elliot Hong (28 May 2017)
"7 Reasons Why Manchester Terror Attack Was The Major Sign"

1) Manchester Terror Attack on 5/22 was exactly 2 months from Westminster Terror Attack on 3/22.

     322 is the number of Skull and Bones.

     2 means Separation and Genesis 41:32 can be applied for these 2 terror attacks.

2) Manchester Terror Attack on 5/22 was carried out by 22 years old terrorist and 22 people died.

     22 is 2(Separation) x 11(Judgment).

3) Manchester Terror Attack occurred on the late evening of 5/22 which was 5/23, the third day by Jewish calendar.

     As it's written in John 2:1, the Wedding at Cana was on the third day.

     The Wedding at Cana is a shadow for the marriage of the Lamb.

     And 5/23 was the last day of the 2nd Passover's 2nd week.

4) Shavout is observed for 2 days.

     And it's 14 days(7 days + 7 days) from Manchester Terror Attack to the last day of Shavout, 6/5.

     God used the principle of Flesh and Spirit very importantly throughout the Bible as like the firstborn and the second born.

     Here is the same pattern of 2 weeks from 5/23 to 6/5 repeating as like the 2nd Passover is observed for 2 weeks.

     Thus it's possible that 5/30 could be the day for harvest, but the day for Offering to God the Father could be 6/5.

5) 5/25 was the day when AC revealed himself(not officially yet).

     From the sunset of 5/25, it was the new moon of Sivan.

     5/26 is 111 days from Super Bowl which was the first time in history that Sudden Death(Sudden Destruction) was played.

     It was the repeat of the Tim Tebow's miraculous game and Genesis 41:32 can be applied as well.

     4 days from 5/26 is 5/30, the third day and 4 repesents Door(Rev 4:1).

6) Ariel Sharon died on 1/11/14 after 8 years of coma.

     8 is the number of Noah and 11 means Judgment.

     No doubt that Ariel Sharon was a type of Methuselah.

     2017 is 3 years from his death.

     To God, death is a new beginning of another life.

     According to Genesis 5:21-24, after Enoch became the father of Methuselah, walked faithfully with God for 300 years more, then God took him away.

     To God, 3 years are equivalent to 300 years.

     And Enoch was born and taken to God during Shavout.

7) The marriage covenant was given to the chosen people first when they arrived at Mt. Sinai during the time of Shavout.

     When they rejected Messiah who came as Groom, the blessing of the marriage was given to Church.

     When Jesus' side was pierced shedding blood and water on the Cross, it was the sign of the marriage covenant for Church.

     And Shavout is a conclusion of Passover.

     This is why I believe that Shavout is the feast for the marriage of the Lamb and the gentile Bride.
