Neil Lipken (29 May 2016)
"Plans to create an EU army 'kept secret' from voters"

Oh my, an army for the coming antichrist!   The antichrist will arise right after the Rapture in the "Revived Roman Empire" whose immediate precursor is the current European Union.   The Roman Empire of old officially fell in 476 A.D.   Many through war tried in the centuries that followed to put the Roman Empire back together, but they all failed.  Napoleon and Hitler were two of these slobs.   In the devastation that followed WWII cooperation was a must among Europe's nations in order to rebuild.   In 1957 the European Common Market was formed for this purpose, and in 1993 the European Union came into existence.   The Roman Empire (phase 2) is now nearly back in place, just awaiting the arrival of the antichrist.   When Jesus left nearly 2000 years ago the Roman Empire was persecuting Judea, and when Jesus' feet touch down later in these End Times on the Mount of Olives (Second Coming) the political situation will be the same------the Revived Roman Empire under the antichrist will be persecuting Israel.


P.S.  The scriptural basis for this is found in part in Daniel chapter 2 (and elsewhere in the Bible).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul
Date: Thu, May 26, 2016 at 8:56 PM
Subject: Plans to create an EU army 'kept secret' from voters

Plans to move towards the creation of a European army are reportedly being kept secret from British voters until the day after next month’s referendum.

Drawn up by the EU’s foreign policy chief, the Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy foresees the formation of new European military and operational structures.

This first step towards an EU army is supported by Germany and other countries, The Times reports.

In 2011, similar proposals were vetoed by Britain, although there were concerns that a loophole could allow nine states to group together to bypass opponents…..