Judith (29 May 2016)
"Re Andy Hunt June 17 Rapture Date"


Re Andy Hunt June 17 Rapture Date
Andy's post really surprised me with the June 17, 2016 as a possible
Rapture date. However, I believe June 17 could also be the start 
of the Tribulation date - I will explain.
The June 17, 2016 date corresponds to the Jewish calendar date of
5776.7 and when translated to the 360/day also corresponds to the
date of September 15, 5861 - still on the Jewish calendar.
The September 15 date we know as the initial/original Feast of
Tabernacles which IMO will be the historical, eternal date on God's
calendar.  In other words, the date won't change according to moon
cycles.  It is also the date the Shekinal Glory departed the Temple
during the Babylonian Captivity (see Calendar Study). But what
about the June 17 date?
June 17 just happens to be the date that Moshe Dayan relinquished
the Temple Mount back to the Waqf (Jordan control) - (see below).
This was just 10 days after the amazing victory God provided them
on June 7, 1967 when they captured control of Jerusalem and the
Temple Mount. Just think, they could have started the rebuilding
of their temple at that time!  
Now, to connect the two impressive dates and their significance.
Picture the Anti Christ as beginning his 7 year rule starting on the
Feast of Tabernacles by his imitation of Christ. But Jesus is the
one who will tabernacle with us for all of eternity, and if the Tribulation
date does start on Sept. 15 it will be the date Jesus returns to do just
that, and the imitator will be cast out!
Then with the June 17 date with the Anti Christ and Israel signing a
"Covenant" agreement giving Israel permission to the Temple Mount
and their Temple on the same date they gave it away. Seems like a
plausible outcome to me.
Time will tell. Until then we'll keep looking up. Jesus can come any
day! What a day that will be!
By Yisrael Medad
Since 1967, Jews have not been permitted to pray on the site,
either as an individual or in a prayer quorum
One of the most resonating declarations in the history of the State of Israel, originating as if from the nation's soul, was that of Motta Gur, Paratroop Division commander, on the morning of Wednesday, June 8, 1967. His voice was heard over the army walkie-talkies and then, recorded, over the radio announcing that "The Temple Mount is in our hands!"
And now, 33 years later, the Temple Mount, as a Jewish sacred site, continues to slip through our fingers, as our hands open to achieve a dubious peace with the PLO's Yasser Arafat. The place which Prime Minister Ehud Barak termed the "nation's sanctified treasures" was almost immediately shunned after 1967 and its Jewish character relegated to benign neglect. Moshe Dayan symbolically handed over the key to the Temple Mount gates to the Moslem Wakf officials on June 17 and committed the site to their administration.
The Temple Mount Restored to Muslim Control
On Saturday June 17, 1967, shortly after the end of the Six Day War, Defense minister Moshe Dayan entered the Al-Aksa Mosque for a historic meeting. In a gesture of good will, Dayan sat down on the prayer carpet with five leaders of the Supreme Muslim Council (the Waqf) of what had been Jordanian-controlled Jerusalem. That discussion fixed Israel's policy regarding the Temple Mount, a policy that remains unchanged to this day.

Dayan had ordered the Israeli flag removed from on top of the Dome of the Rock on the afternoon of the Old City's liberation. His discussion with the Muslims led to further concessions. The administrative control over the Temple Mount was to be the sole responsibility of the Supreme Muslim Council - the (Jordanian) Waqf. Though the Jews would be permitted free access to the Mount, prayer by Jews was prohibited. Dayan refused to permit any Jewish identification with Judaism's holiest site. To him, the Temple Mount held only historic interest. He said:
"I have no doubt that because the power is in our hands we must take a stand based on yielding. We must view the Temple Mount as a historic site relating to past memory."
Under Israeli control
A few days after the Six-Day War, on June 17, 1967, a meeting was held at al-Aqsa between Moshe Dayan and Muslim religious authorities of Jerusalem reformulating the status quo.[52] Jews were given the right to visit the Temple Mount unobstructed and free of charge if they respected Muslims' religious feelings and acted decently, but they were not allowed to pray. The Western Wall was to remain the Jewish place of prayer. 'Religious sovereignty' was to remain with the Muslims while 'overall sovereignty' became Israeli.[52] Dayan's offer was objected to by the Muslims, as they totally rejected the Israeli conquest of Jerusalem and the Mount. Some Jews, led by Shlomo Goren, then the military chief rabbi, had objected as well, claiming the decision handed over the complex to the Muslims, since the Western Wall's holiness is derived from the Mount and symbolizes exile, while praying on the Mount symbolizes freedom and the return of the Jewish people to their homeland.[52] The President of the High Court of Justice, Aharon Barak, in response to an appeal in 1976 against police interference with an individual's putative right to prayer on the site, expressed the view that, while Jews had a right to prayer there, it was not absolute but subject to the public interest and the rights of other groups. Israel's courts have considered the issue as one beyond their remit, and, given the delicacy of the matter, under political jurisdiction.[52] He wrote:
Dayan’s most significant act on the Temple Mount, which sparked controversy over the years and was widely criticized, was to forbid Jewish prayer and worship there, unlike the arrangements that emerged at the Machpelah Cave in Hebron where there is also a functioning mosque.(7) Dayan decided to leave the mount and its management in the hands of the Muslim Wakf, while at the same time insisting that Jews would be able to visit it (but not pray at it!) without restriction. Dayan thought, and years later even committed the thought to writing, that since for Muslims the mount is a "Muslim prayer mosque" while for Jews it is no more than "a historical site of commemoration of the past…one should not hinder the Arabs from behaving there as they now do."(8) The Israeli defense minister believed that Islam must be allowed to express its religious sovereignty as opposed to national sovereignty over the mount; that the Arab-Israeli conflict must be kept on the territorial-national level; and that the potential for a conflict between the Jewish religion and the Muslim religion must be removed. In granting Jews the right to visit the mount, Dayan sought to placate the Jewish demands for worship and sovereignty there. In giving religious sovereignty over the mount to the Muslims, he believed he was defusing the site as a center of Palestinian nationalism.(9) - See more at: http://jcpa.org/al-aksa-is-in-danger-libel-temple-mount/#sthash.Pxj4KIea.dpuf
June 1967. Defense Minister Moshe Dayan announces to the Wakf and the heads of the Supreme Muslim Council that they will be able to administer the compound themselves, while the Jews will be able to visit but not pray there. (courtesy of Schocken Books) - See more at: http://jcpa.org/al-aksa-is-in-danger-libel-temple-mount/#sthash.Pxj4KIea.dpuf
The odd thing is that Israel could have rebuilt the Temple in 1967. But on Saturday June 17, 1967, shortly after the end of the Six-Day War, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan elected to defile the Jewish Sabbath and his faith. He entered the Al-Aksa Mosque, and as a goodwill gesture, offered five leaders of the Supreme Muslim Council (the Waqf) the focal point of all Jewish hopes - Temple Mount.