Calling all Christian believers in Jesus Christ to start loading up the eternal lifeboats with lost souls. Its time folks to get out of your comfort zones and take risks for your Lord & Savior. The ship is starting to sink, and we are the only ones who know how to fill the lifeboats with people who don't know Jesus. 100 years ago the Titanic sank in the middle of the night, and only the experienced crew members knew how to fill & launch the lifeboats
Its 2016 - so now consider our world the sinking ship Titanic. Its going down and will take many people with it. But guess what - we are God's lifeboat crew members. And we can save many people from drowning in the Lake of Fire by telling them the salvation message of Jesus Christ. So here is the question for every believer to answer - do you care about all the people around you who do not know Jesus and will spend eternity in Hell ? Do you really care cause if you do, you will do something about it. And that something is sharing the gospel message with the lost. So the lost will become saved and then they can enter God's eternal lifeboats
So will you sign up to be one of our Lord's soul winning crew members and help fill His salvation lifeboats with lost souls ? I know you lead a busy life with working, raising the family, mowing the lawn or now shoving the snow, grocery shopping, walking the dog, watching the sunday football games, etc . But think about this - are those excuses really what you plan on telling your Lord when you stand before Him in heaven ,and He asked you why you didn't spend anytime doing evangelism / soul winning ?
I know this may seem a bit tough but folks, we are God's plan A for sharing the gospel message. He has no plan B. We are it. If we Christians do not use our time here and now to win lost souls to God's kingdom, it will not get done. And all those people in your life who do not know Jesus will spend eternity apart from Him. Its time we get out of our comfort zones and be willing to take risks for our Savior Jesus Christ.
Will you say to God - Here I Am Lord, Send me ? Cause if you do , He will give you the boldness and courage to be a soul winner. Evangelism is the Heartbeat of God. It is what He cares about. Using your life to win lost souls is an exciting adventure . I encourage everyone to let God start using your life for His evangelism purposes. And one day in heaven you will hear your Lord say to you, " Well done thy Good and Faithful Servant "
have a blessed day, Gary