Randy (25 May 2014)
"Frustrated.........the Waiting for the Rapture.......  is longer than I'd like it to be.......  UGH!!  lol"

Anybody else frustrated?
Saw an article today on Rapture Ready:  http://raptureready.com/soap2/wasson133.html
She says "It has been the Last Days for an awful long time."      
Can I get an AMEN???  !!!!!!     lol...
It will happen when God makes it happen.......not sooner or later than He meant it to be.
But...yes.....the waiting is now getting rather grueling......
In Luke 2.......how must Simeon and Anna have felt as they went to the Temple each day to WATCH and WAIT for the Messiah to come into the Temple??
The Bible says Anna was over 80 years old!!  And that Simeon was elderly as well.......
There may be more time to wait yet.......it could be 4 years, until 2018??  Geez...I hope NOT!!
Tick Tock...