Randy (25 May 2014)
"Article:  There are TWO things I dislike most about this world.....  THIS is one of them."

Here's a movie that celebrates a BAD guy, who became a RICH guy, by stealing Multi-MILLIONS from Investment Customers, went to jail for a few years......gets out and makes a movie about his "life" with a top Hollywood Actor- (none-the-less)  and plans to make over $100 Million this year........
Now he can finally "pay off HIS portion of the fine," back to the clients from whom he scammed all of their money....and now, he can sleep better at night....
YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This guy is a real piece of garbage!!  Always was......always will be.....for so MANY reasons.......  Now he's a motivational speaker???   SIGN ME UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  lol. 
There are TWO things I dislike most about this world....
ONE - Injustices done to good people all over the world.  The violence, deaths, persecutions.....I'm sick of it!!
TWO - RICH people who do BAD things and spend very LITTLE time in jail and then get out and not only are STILL rich, but get even richer.  (Especially Investment Guys........ UGH!!!)
ie, names?
1) this guy...the wolf of Wall Street...... 
2) Micheal Miliken -  Junk Bond King, went to jail for all of 22 months, in the early 1990's.  NOW?  He runs the Miliken Institute that is helping to advise the Democratic Party about financial matters recently.
3) How about Marc Rich.....Billionaire commodities trader.......  got a "get out of jail free card" by President Clinton on his last day in office in 2001.   He and his wife had given MILLIONS to the Clintons, for his Presidential Library and other stuff.    How convenient.  Where is he now?  died in 2013...... 
4) How about the members of Congress who take bribes.....favors.......run PAC Funds for their own self interest....and spend our tax money without ANY care for the future of our children....and?  NO ONE IS EVER ACCOUNTABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  the worst that can happen, and it rarely does.....is someone loses a job is not re-elected.  DOESN'T MATTER.....THE MONEY IS NEVER GIVEN BACK !! 
5) ALL over the World.......even and especially in the USA.......  Money, business, etc.   go to those who have the money and power to influence our government leaders to have business sent their way.   WHY WASN'T THE OBAMACARE WEBSITE BID OUT?  Instead, it went to friends of the Obamas.......   JUST SHOOT ME!!!!  I want to go home!! 
I want to live in a SIN FREE WORLD.....in a SIN FREE BODY...... the way this world was originally made....with Jesus Christ as my Lord and Leader for the next 1000 years.....   I JUST CAN'T WAIT!! 
And the list goes ON and ON and ON........ 
Oh ya......how about the Clippers Owner........  Donald.....I'm so stupid (and rich), I just can't shut up........ya, that guy!  Dear God...... just take him Lord.....and put him out of my/our misery!!!!! 
WHAT......A.........WORLD!                       YUCK!!!
Tick Tock......please Lord....