Marilyn Agee (25 May 2014)
"Bruce Baber (18 May 2014) "Marilyn Agee concerning Apostasy""

Thanks, friend. It is nice to be appreciated.
When the first Rapture takes place, the man of sin will be revealed. He won’t go in the Rapture.
No wonder there will be “a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues” (Rev 7:9) in heaven after the second Rapture. To some, only seeing is believing.
I try to read everything you send to Five Doves, expecting it to be well thought out, and you don’t let me down. We agree on lots of things.
Marilyn Agee
Bruce Baber (18 May 2014)
"Marilyn Agee concerning Apostasy"

Marilyn, your recent explanation of why apostasy should be rendered departure was the best I've ever read.
Thank you.
Bruce Baber