Jean Stepnoski (30 May 2013)
"The Open or Closed Door: Summer's Door"


Dear Doves,
   Summer is near, even at the door, until 6-21-2013. The sign of the fig tree given by Messiah/Christ included the concept of "summer is near, even at the door." See Matthew 24: 32-33, and 25:10, Luke 11:7, and 13: 24-27. The door to summer is open until 6-21. But the Master spoke about the nearness of the door to summer. That means the short period of fig leaves, then mature figs, until summer's door, before 6-21! We are in the period of the nearness when the door shall soon CLOSE.
   The ark in the days of Noah had only one door, a gangplank. Open until month 2 and day 10, there was FINALITY when the door was closed. There was also FINALITY when the door closed to Lot's home, to guarantee the safety of the angelic guests and the 4 of the Lot family. It was all important, on whose side of the door a few individuals were in the days of Noah, then the days of Lot! The mob of men, youth to old age, who craved sexual license (gross inhospitality) with the angelic guests of the Lot family received unexpected results. Their spiritual degradations and grave sins worsened into literal blindness before they burned to death.
   The concept of door especially relates to humankind's Redeemer. The Master is THE DOOR, THE LIFE GATE! When the Restrainer no longer restrains, there is the Irrevocable. FINALITY. We are in the last golden days of the Age of Grace, when the narrow path is still available. He, who offers forgiveness and eternal life, is daily reminding of eternity! Beware the soon closing of the summer door, for His bride and body of the Ages. Might The Blessed Hope occur when the door to summer is open before 6-21-2013? We shall see.
With Love and Shalom,