Steven King (29 May 2012)
"Obama Fullfills 2 Thessalonians 2.4. Antichrist Open Debate. Obama's 42 months"

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Obama Fullfills 2 Thessalonians 2.4. Antichrist Open Debate. Obama's 42 months
A look at some evidence showing the second woe and sixth seal earthquake. which is the rapture at the calling out in revelation 18.Is the Haarp machine the key to the abyss?
The Second woe the 6th seal and the revlation 18 fall of Babylon is all jeremiah 50 51.
The rapture. Works are done by Faith we are all working in the fields. Let the Judge be the Judge ..Jesus saves .Nothing is Impossible to God. You must give him all the power and all the glory.
I believe Jesus can save anyone who believes in Him. It is the Gospel of Christ.
When he says Come out of her my people is when the 2 witness leave. The bride of Christ and the holy Ghost and grace ends. The great tribulation begins.
In isaiah 57 it states we all persih ad none know were taken from the trouble to come. We enter into peace.
The rapture is the 4th passover toast.
1st toast is.
I will chose from among you a people. He chose Abraham.
2nd toast is I will deliver you from egypt. Moses delivered them from judgement of the destroyer AND egypt.
3rd toast. I will redeem you. This is Jesus and this is what is confused with the communion and eucharist. The Passover seadr is what and when you proclaim Jesus as the passover lamb. Who died for us all.The redeemer.
The 4th promise is te rapture and catching away of the bride.
I will take you to me to be my people forever.
We ascend to heaven

Hallelujah. Jesus Christ is the son of God

Steven King
Jesus is coming soon!
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