Russell C (5 May 2012)

Check out this video on YouTube:

No Fear when you are in Christ Jesus! This is only a refresher course below! If you take offense - I don't apologize for trying to save a soul!

Please tell everyone! We need to reach the masses to let them prepare for the coming of our Lord and Savior!

Will you be ready? The world is not ending just the age or time of Grace the Church has been allotted from our Heavenly Father.   (Elohim's 7 year timeline) 1 day is as 1,000 years

Soon, the Holy Spirit That holds back with which restrains ( ie. satan/minions unleashed) will leave the Earth with the Bride of Christ or Church/Saints raptured and will stay with our Heavenly Father for a time while the Earth dwellers left behind go through horrific tribulations on Earth.   I don't want to be here and I know you don't either.

The Anti-Christ will reign for 3.5 years.  Do not take the mark of the beast which will be placed either on your forehead or right hand in order for you to buy and sell.

After the 3.5 years, Jesus will return with His end-time army to defeat satan and his minions. He will be locked up for 1,000 years.  Jesus will come back as promised from our Abba Father God said to reign back here on Earth with His chosen saints to rule and reign for 1,000 years.

Then, the Earth will Be totally burned up. God will create a New Heaven and a New Earth.  After the final judgement is made on all the remaining tribulation saints and the fallen angels/demons, God will see whose name is written in the Lambs Holy Book of Life and decides who will go to Hell or go to Heaven to spend the rest of eternity.

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior please do so now!

If you already have Then go wake up those who are asleep!  

If not, then Pray out Loud to our Lord Jesus Christ! Ask Him to live inside you.

Please Your Eternity is in jeopardy! Eternity is a very long time and they don't serve breakfast in Hell!

If you are not ready to go or accept this message as living truth then you only have one final question to ask yourself? Who is your Abba Father!

You must Read your Bible - ask the Lord what He wants to tell you or what you need to do.  Turn off all the distractions that Satan has a hold on you for! Isn't your relationship with our Lord and Savior much more than that?

Don't shoot the messengers! Many have been sent to spread God's WAKE-UP CALL!

The trumpets have been sounding for awhile now! Time maybe shorter than ever!

And , YES Only GOD knows the exact time!

But, we are expected to know the signs of the times as in the days of Noah!  

Don't worry - You still have God's Grace period before it runs out of time.  Not sure how long!?

All you have to do is to be ready so you don't miss His call.

Ask yourself? Am I full of Holy Oil/Holy Spirt like the wise virgins with their Lamps full who went inside when the groom came at the midnight hour but the other ones missed the calling of the groom! Because, their oil lamps were empty!

This is the best time of our lives to be a part of! Rejoice and be glad! Our Savior returns!

I love you all!

Praise you Jesus!

Praise you Jesus!