Robert Rose (31 May 2012)
"Could this be the date "The 2 Witnesses" are killed? Part 2"

3.5 years from 2012 is in the year 2016
2 witnesses killed on 14 of ADAR (Feb 23, 2016)
Back up 1260 days = September 11, 2012 = Twin Towers = 2 towers = 2 witnesses
September 11, 1990 = New World Order Announced by George Bush Senior
11 years Later....
September 11, 2001 = Twin Towers Collapse via false flag to get end times rolling
11 years later......
September 11, 2012 = 2 witnesses arrive.
1260 days later die on 14 ADAR....
42 Moons later (1239 days) Blood Moon Over Jerusalem (July 16, 2019) = 7 years. 
Why 1239 days? The bible doesn't give a specific time in terms of days.  instead it says 42 months. 
1 Month = 29.5 days........therefore............29.5 X 42 Moons = 1239 days.
1260 days + 42 Moons.  Fits perfect.
This is the only time period you can subtract 1260 days from ADAR 14 to get to an infamous date such as September 11.   Coincidence?  You decide, but  please know this is only speculation on my part.