Randy (31 May 2012)
"BTW, We NEVER hear anyone talking about the Collapse of the US Dollar any more, do we!!"

(Hate to say I TOLD YOU SO......ALL last year and the year before that, too!!   No I don't!!  LOL.....  )
When the world RUNS for SAFETY....they STILL run to the US!! 
Now it's because of Spain...and before that because of Greece...and before that, etc, etc, etc.... 
When demand exceeds supply (people want to BUY MORE US Gvt bonds, than want to sell them) ......  yields go where?  They go DOWN!  (Because prices go UP.)
Andddddd........... before international buyers can buy US Gvt Bonds, they have to do WHAT??  They have to convert into/buy US Dollars FIRST! 
And we didn't think Yields could go DOWN any further.....  UGH!
Yields continue to be at ALL TIME (almost) RECORD LOWS.  Where can a person put money for a nice yield any more???  Answer: NO WHERE.  Look at bank CD rates and everything else.   
See chart below:  This is the Euro to the US Dollar over the last 5 years.  The HIGHS are when the Euro was expensive adn the US Dollar was DOWN (cheap).
The LOWS are when the Euro was falling apart and the US Dollar was UP!!  Notice at all the LOW points....that's when the world was running for safety in the US Dollar.....running to buy US Gvt Bonds....RUNNING FOR Safety.
There was actually a time in 2008, when there was so much money running to buy US Tsy Bills, that the yield BECAME NEGATIVE!!  Why?  People didn't care about the yield...they cared about the safety of their principal.
In Germany right now, the German 2yr note yield is now ZERO %  !!!!  Hmmmm, so Germany is still considered as SAFE as the US.  ?? 
QUESTION:  If yields are so LOW.......and everyone's running for safety.....WHY ARE THE US/EUROPEAN STOCK MARKETS NOT.......NOT.....FALLING APART LIKE THEY DID I 2008?
Answer:  (My perspective)  The problem with the banks in 2008, was that the problem was UNPRECEDENTED...it was NEVER SEEN BEFORE....and eveybody panicked.....the sellers overwhelmed the buyers of stocks and the markets went down by 50% ALL OVER THE WORLD. 
This (today) seem more "managed" and less "panicked."  And....WHERE ELSE ARE THE BIG MONEY PLAYERS GOING TO PUT THEIR MONEY TO GET A DECENT RATE OF RETURN?   Ah, the Stock markets....thus the markets are NO getting crushed........at least not YET!   Do I agree with this?  NO!  I think the problems in Europe (and in the US)  will soon, become UNCONTROLABLE! 
There was an article a couple weeks ago that headlined:  "2013 Looks Bleak and as for 2014.....God only knows" 
Let's face it  NOTHING   NOTHING   NOTHING..... HAS BEEN FIXED.  Not in Europe, Not in the United States.....  all the leaders in politics and in finance have just kicked the can down the road.  But, ONE DAY...it will need to be fixed.
the Rapture Happens...it just won't matter then....as the A/C rises to calm the whole world.
As I've said before......the dominos are all lined up....just waiting for what? to make them fall?  The Rapture!!
could the Rapture be still THIS year....2012?   Maybe on Rosh Hashanah?
That's MY hope!!