Randy (16 May 2012)
"Pointing you to an article:  Quote: We ARE Watchmen on the Wall......."

In the grand scheme of things, very few Christians in these last days have been called as watchmen. Even fewer have responded to the calling. It's not for everybody -- for some it is too much. God has set each of us in the place He wants us to be for this time and place in human history.
That doesn't mean it is a pleasant place – we had our pleasant time. But God in His wisdom, and for reasons known only to Him, has called us – you and me and others like us – as witnesses.
He promises a special crown for us at the Bema Seat. There are only FIVE crowns and the Watchman's Crown is one of them. So what made you think that earning it would be easy? It is supposed to be hard. Out of all the living Christians on this planet, God called YOU to bear witness for all those too afraid to look.
So, what are we to do as Christians? Our job. Be witnesses. Watch and observe and give the warning.
We don't know the day or the hour and we don't pretend that we do. Neither do we believe that anybody else does. But we know that it is near, even at the door.
AHA.....but SOME of us do wonder if we really MIGHT KNOW "THE" Date....
(Including me.....??)  My previous posts....here.....
Time will tell.
BTW.....do a Yahooo/Google search for "2012 Rosh Hashanah Rapture" and NOW.....the top 1 and 3 links that pop up are.......MINE!!
Hmmmmmm....... ALOT of people are searching for the Rapture this year.... 2012.......THIS Rosh Hashanah...   !!