Phil (4 May 2012)
"Re Patti C's reference to Mathman's post about the One World Trade Centre"

John and Doves,
Thanks to Patti C bringing our attention rightly to Mathman's post about this One World Trade Centre building.
How clearly you describe thre three triangles forming 666.
Then I took a look at some photos of this actual building. It is the strangest building you ever did see!
The base is square and the top is square but the top is 45 degrees off from the bottom.
from the photo it looks like the top square is smaller than the bottom square. So, two squares = 8 sides.
This pic shows it finished but it is not actually finished yet.
So, trying to get my head around the photo I decided to do a sketch as if seeing it from directly above. I may
have got this wrong but to me the outside seems to be made up of 8 triangles. If this is correct then there are
8 x 3 corners = 24. There are also 8 lines going from bottom to top or vice versa.
Each of the 4 triangles whose base is at the base of the building have their top point on the
corner of the top of the building.
I trust you get the picture. The thing is full of triangles! The number 8 features prominetly as does 3.
The number 8  featured prominently at the Beijing Olympics and also in the closing ceremony symbolising
their new beginning.
And might it be finished on Sept 11th, exactly 11 years after 911? Or will it be 11 yrs and 11 weeks or
11 years and 11 months or 11 years and 11 months and 11 days?
I pray we will not be around to see it.
Keep looking up,