Patti C (4 May 2012)

(RE: Amy VanGerpen (28 Apr 2012)
"Timing of the 2 Witnesses' Ministry")

Hi Amy!!

I totally relate being behind on letters, I have been having the same problem!!  Yes, Steve B. did respond with a great deal of information, and he agrees with your position on it.  You might take a look at what he wrote, as he has much more there that could be of great interest to you.

I admire and respect both of you, and thank you for taking the time to respond to my letter with such wonderful studies into the other side.  I have to admit that I still see it the same way, and believe their ministry and witness will be the first half.  But, this seems to be a common situation for most people, because I have found so many disagree on this, and there is as much information out there for both sides. I think a great deal depends on how we see several other issues.

Thank you again!!  You insights are great and you do such a good job of supporting your view.

Many blessings to you!!

Your sister in Christ,

Patti C.

Amy VanGerpen (28 Apr 2012)
"Timing of the 2 Witnesses' Ministry"
Hi Patty and Doves,
 I'm a few days behind on the letters, so I don't know if anyone has contributed the opposing view yet.  Anyway, I believe that the two witnesses' ministry cover most of the 2nd half of the Tribulation.  I explain why in the following study:
Amy Van Gerpen