Patti C (31 May 2012)

(RE: MathMan (29 May 2012)
"The Fallacy of the Seven Year Peace Treaty")

Great study Mathman!! (as usual!!)

It sure seems to make the most sense and explains much about what is happening in the world RIGHT NOW!! It sure seems that events have progressed to a point where there just cannot be as much time, as many think.

I just have a few personal comments, a challenge to all Doves, and a question. Your post stirred up so many ideas, I hope I am not twisting it too much and getting off the issue; if so, please forgive me.

If that study is true, and the anti-Christ never makes a peace treaty with Israel it would seem to be another good point that helps prove that the rider on the White Horse of the first seal IS NOT THE ANTICHRIST!!  There is no false peace and deception in this regard; therefore the first horseman cannot be a man of peace, as you said, he is a man of war.

You know what I totally believe; that the White horseman is the Holy Spirit, and that the seals have been opening ever since Christ ascended to heaven. Your study just seemed to reinforce that whole concept!! 

Challenge to all Doves (who see the first horseman as the antichrist)

I would like to challenge anyone who thinks the White horse of the first seal is the anti-Christ, to prove it with Biblical evidence, with more than just one verse out of the book of Matthew.   It seems to be a settled issue, yet I have never seen a study that can prove this. Would like to see how this certainty, so many seem to have, can be proved.  To me there is much more evidence for it being the Holy Spirit than there is supporting that it is the anti-Christ!!  But, I could be totally wrong!! Just would like to see the other side presented.

Sorry, did not mean to wonder off the subject of your letter, but for me these are just a few on the many thoughts that came to mind. If the study you shared is correct, it should cause many second looks at many other issues.


If it is not to be a 7 year tribulation, and the marriage of the Bride is based on the Jewish wedding model, what of the seven days (seven years) the Bride is to spend with the Lord in the Bridal Chamber?

Thanks for sharing that excellent study!! Very thought provoking!! Reminds us that the closer we get to Rapture, the more we understand the end-times we are living in, and how it relates to the Lord’s Holy Word.

Bless you dear man!!

Your sister in Christ,

Patti C.

MathMan (29 May 2012)
"The Fallacy of the Seven Year Peace Treaty"
 Dear Doves,

 Here is an excellent article outlining the fallacy of the Seven Year Peace Treaty and the false notion that the “prince that shall come” is referring to the Anti-Christ.
 YbiC, MathMan

By Martel Trevor
In Daniel 9:27, there's a reference to a prince that shall come and "destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the temple".
Who is this mysterious "prince"?

If you listen to prophecy gurus they will tell you, time and again, it's the Antichrist.

There are only 5 problems with their ludicrous theory:

1. The Antichrist is NOWHERE mentioned in this verse.

2. The Antichrist, according to the Bible, will NOT destroy Jerusalem and the temple. Rather, he will occupy Jerusalem [Zechariah 14:2] and sit in the temple, passing himself off as God [2 Thessalonians 2:4]. Hence, there's NO WAY this "prince" can be the Antichrist.

3. This prophecy was already fulfilled, in precise detail, 2,000 years ago.

4. There's no "mystery" whatsoever as to the identity of this prince.

5. The fulfillment of this prophecy, exactly as foretold by the prophet Daniel, is HISTORIC FACT.

The prince in question is the Roman prince Titus, son of Caesar Vespasian, who destroyed Jerusalem and its temple in 70 A.D., EXACTLY as Daniel predicted.

Jerusalem and the first temple had been destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.

Daniel predicted that Jerusalem and the temple would be rebuilt, then ONCE AGAIN destroyed.

He predicted that, from the edict to rebuild Jerusalem to the Messiah, there would be 69 sabbatical "weeks" [483 years].

After the 483 years, in the middle of the FINAL week [3½ years later] Messiah would be killed (Daniel 9:27).

Then [after Messiah's death] this prince would come and destroy the city and the temple.

Everything happened, in exact sequence:

Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead in 33 A.D.

In 70 A.D. Jerusalem and the temple were totally destroyed, for the second time in history, this time by the Romans.

It even happened on the EXACT date on the Hebrew calendar on which the first temple and Jerusalem were destroyed, the 9th of Av.

According to historian Josephus, who was an eyewitness, both the city and the temple were so thoroughly and ruthlessly destroyed that, if he had not seen with his own eyes, that a city had once stood there, he wouldn't have believed it from the aftermath.

None of these things are in our future. They've ALREADY TAKEN PLACE IN OUR PAST.

All that remains of the "70 weeks" to be fulfilled is HALF A WEEK, which will be the future 3½ year reign of Antichrist. That's the ONLY part of this prophecy that still lies in our future.

So, why does the prophecy establishment insist this "prince" is the Antichrist?

Perhaps to bolster their even more ludicrous theory that the Antichrist will sign a "7-year peace treaty" with Israel and the Arabs. 


There are only two ways you can TWIST Daniel's prophecy to make it "fit" the Antichrist.

One, by IGNORING Galatians 3:17, where it states, UNEQUIVOCALLY, it was the Christ who confirmed the covenant.

Two, by taking verse 27 totally out of context, which amounts to scriptural and intellectual dishonesty.

That's another way of saying, it's a blatant lie.

If the "prince" mentioned in this verse were the Antichrist, prophecy quacks would THEN be forced to make the case that Titus is the future Antichrist, and that he will make a peace covenant with the Jews, who hate and despise him to this very day.

Whichever way you look at it, it simply doesn't hold water.

This already happened. Antichrist won't make a peace treaty with anybody, since he's a man of war.
People will either submit to his rule willingly, or they'll be FORCED to do so.
Those who refuse, WILL BE KILLED.
There won't be ANY peace [false, real, or imagined] during the tribulation.