Patti C (24 May 2012)

(RE: Marilyn Agee (21 May 2012)
"Carol Garza (19 May 2012) "To Lydia F. Re: strange, disturbing dream" ")

Hello ladies!!

I just had to chime in on this one.  This has happened to me also, a couple of times.  It is so frightening, but at the same time, a wonderful example of the power of Christ!!  It is as though the demon attack happens in that place between being asleep and awake, and when he is able to paralyze the body.  Not being able to move or speak is the worst part as it feels as if we are being trapped or pinned down, and cannot do anything about it!! 

When it happened to me, I opened my eyes and could see the horrible demon standing near my bed.  He was hideous and huge, about 8 ft. tall; all black with wings and horn-like ears, and scary red eyes (looked like the one I saw on September 10th 2001, which I talked about in my post about that experience).  I did the same thing as you all did, I cried out in my mind “Get thee behind me Satan, in Jesus name I pray!!” and he disappeared.

The reason I am mentioning this, so many days after Lydia’s letter, is that it just happened a few days ago to my little sister.  She called and told me about it, but with her, she said she could feel me with her, and that I was crying out to Jesus and telling the demon to leave her alone.  I thought that was interesting.  She remembers me telling her about my experiences and what I had done, so that is probably why she thought of me right at that moment.  It worked and the demon disappeared.

I truly believe that these attacks happen when we are getting closer to the Lord, as Satan does not chase what is already his; he goes after those whom love the Lord the most.  Gives us a glimpse into the power of evil and what a real principality it is.  Yet at the same time, reminds us that Jesus truly does save, and that nothing can harm us when we call on Him.

Thanks for sharing your stories, I had no idea that it happens to other people and in the same way. It is getting darker out there, and I cannot even imagine how awful it will be for those who are left behind, after the Rapture, when evil will run rampant!!

May God bless and protect you all!!

Your sister in Christ,
Patti C.
Marilyn Agee (21 May 2012)
"Carol Garza (19 May 2012) "To Lydia F. Re: strange, disturbing dream" "
From: Marilyn Agee
 > > Once a huge horrible demon tried to choke me in my sleep.
 That is so scary. I had unseen demons immobilize me as I lay in my bed so that I couldn’t move, breathe, or talk.  All I could do was yell in my mind, “Jesus, make them stop” over and over. Before I passed out, they stopped. Thank you for saving my life, Lord Jesus.
Marilyn Agee
Hi Lydia,
No doubt you were being spiritually attacked in your sleep. While I have never had the experience you had, I have experienced demons walking towards me as I was trying to sleep. Once a huge horrible demon tried to choke me in my sleep.

I began to call upon the Name of Jesus in my mind as I could not speak. It began to loosen its grip on me. I opened my mouth whispering Lord Jesus. As I kept whispering His Name, it started moving away from me.

I began speaking the Blood of Jesus over me and the thing left. I was a little shaken but the Lord's Love and Peace calmed me down a d I was able to go back to sleep.

I never have actually seen a demon Thankfully!!! But their presence is evil and heavy..and disturbing.

I do not know why they attack us like that at times. I do know we sure experience the saving and delivering power of the Blood of the Lamb!!!

Carol Garza