Michael Colunga (16 May 2012)
"RE:  Nicole--"NAHUM""

Hello, John and Doves,
Nicole, Nahum is concerned with the destruction of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria.
In Bible prophecy, the king of Assyrian also stands in for the AC.
Kenya is in the area known in ancient times as Assyria [the southern part of that kingdom].
As such, you could read the following article [a general treatment of the subject of Nineveh].
Make your own conclusions, as the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) leads:
Baruch HaShem Adon Adonai Tsevaot,
Mike C.
Nicole (12 May 2012)
"Please help me out with this mighty vision I had!"

OK what does this mean?  I saw the words as plain as day, the book of the Bible written in big bold letters


What is this?