MathMan (31 May 2012)
"The Feast of Pentecost Date of June 2nd / 3rd, 2012 was confirmed by JACK KELLEY!!!"


Dear Doves,


According to Jack Kelley, a highly respected Bible scholar who has provided daily Biblical answers on for many years, the Feast of First Fruits actually celebrated by Jews and Christians alike was OFF BY AN ENTIRE WEEK from the date as outlined in the Bible.  THEREFORE, the Feast of Pentecost Date was ALSO OFF BY AN ENTIRE WEEK and we are actually still in the 50 day Omers count!!  This discrepancy was first outlined and then confirmed by Jack Kelley, as per my exchange with Jack as outlined below.


As such, the Rapture Watch that occurred this past weekend may not have been as high a Rapture Watch Day after all since it may NOT EVEN HAVE BEEN THE LORD’S APPOINTED PENTECOST DATE!!


I came across this possible discrepancy by “chance” on Monday (by the way, I do not truly believe in “chance”).  I was reading a recent article by Jack Kelley on Pentecost when I noticed that he indicated that Christians and Jews alike had just accidentally celebrated a non-Biblical Pentecost date!!  Naturally, I was VERY surprised to read this!!


My curiosity peaked, I quickly wrote an email to Jack directly to find out EXACTLY what he meant by this and asked Jack when the BIBLICAL Pentecost should actually occur in 2012!!  Jack promptly wrote me back and SCRIPTURALLY confirmed that THIS weekend will be the BIBLICAL Pentecost Sunday, June 3rd, and that it was NOT last weekend AT ALL!!


FYI, here are the verbatim email exchanges I had with Jack on Monday, May 28th outlining his calculations on this (which I FULLY agree with):


-                    My question as sent to Jack Kelley:  In your recent article (, you said the following:  “I know all this is really confusing, but the bottom line is that, in 2012, Jews and Christians will both celebrate Pentecost on Sunday May 27, and it won’t be the Biblically established date for either group.”  What is the Biblically established date for each group?


-                    The Response I received from Jack Kelley:  As I said in the article, Pentecost should come 7 weeks after the feast of First Fruits, which comes on the day after the Sabbath that follows Passover.  I cited Bible references in Leviticus 23:15-16 and Deut. 16:9 that confirm this.  In 2012, Passover came on April 7 which was a Saturday.  The first Sabbath after Passover was the following Saturday, April 14, making First Fruits Sunday April 15.  Seven weeks later is Sunday June 3, which should be the Biblical date for the celebration of Pentecost for both Jews and Christians.


Yesterday, I had two posts that illustrated exciting tie-ins to this June 3rd date:


Charles:  The numbers 153 and 333!!


Randy / WhodaThunk:  The 777.68 Point Drop in the DOW revisited!!


By the way, did you notice that there will be two amazing signs in the sky that will occur over the three following days after the TRUE Pentecost Day of June 2nd/3rd?


-                    The June 4th Partial Lunar Eclipse:  Notice that this particular partial lunar eclipse will only be a 1/3rd Lunar Eclipse (  Could this represent the 1/3rd of Jews that will actually heed the Lord’s urgent warning to flee to the wilderness immediately as told to them in the Bible?  After all, most prophecy experts agree that Lunar Eclipses are meant as an ominous sign to the Jews (whereas Solar Eclipses are meant as an ominous sign to the Gentiles).  This 1/3rd ratio seemed possibly very symbolic to me.


-       The June 5/6th EXTREMELY RARE Transit of Venus:  Could this represent our journey WITH the Lord (represented by Venus), symbolically joining Him at the right side of His Father (represented by the Sun)?  Notice that June 6th is a Wednesday, a traditional Jewish wedding day!!  This also seemed possibly very symbolic to me.


On a side note, perhaps you may also notice also that there is a 21 day span between Obama’s announcement that he is the “First Gay President” on May 12th to June 2nd / 3rd, 2012?  Is this the final straw in God’s patience with America?  Was this the match that struck the fuse leading to the Sudden Destruction, with the Bride being Raptured just before the first “explosion” occurs?  We’ll soon find out.


While Feast of Trumpets 2012 is also an exciting Rapture Watch Day, I would be saddened if we still had another four months to go.  As written in John 4:35:  Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest?  behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.


MARANATHA!!  Surely our redemption draws EXTREMELY near!!


YbiC, MathMan