Lynnette (5 May 2012)
"Regina's Time is Short"


Dear Doves,
Regina originally posted this online April 7,2011 RFTH . I find it valuable and use it several ways with peope.
Our time here IS short. Let's pray God's anointing will transform lives yet today. Blessings, Lynnette

    The quote is from me, part of a post on Rapture Flight to Heaven on April 7.

    I feel in my heart that time is short. If anyone commits to God or who already
    has but seeks His presence more from that post, glory and thanks belongs to
    Him.  Its ok to use...

    Time is short. God will not always strive with man.
    The plan of God is unfolding on His timeline. It is painful to see and hear daily the twisted and upside down behaviors of men who err because of fleshly nature, not having received a new nature in Christ.
    Our comfort is that nothing can stop the plan of God. It will unfold triumphantly.

    Anyone reading who has not committed their life to Christ, now is the time to do it. Today is the day. Pray for forgiveness of sin and ask for true life, Christ, to come into your heart.
    Political parties, entertainment, career, self help, and independence are not the answer to eternal life and peace.
    Jesus is the answer. Time is short. Make the best decision you will ever make.
    Trust your Maker's route to eternal life, Jesus Christ.
    The lifeline will not always be extended. Pay attention to the Maker of the Universe.

    Remembering the verse of Genesis 6:3,
    King James Bible: And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man..."         

     Shared with permission of author. Thank you, Regina!