Linda Spencer (28 May 2012)
"Primary Desire"

To All Doves,
Have a listen to this two part sermon and be blessed as I was.  This is a young man who GETS IT! The Holy Spirit has taken root and he is no longer among the masses that honor the Lord with their lips but their hearts are far from Him.  It is a message that we all can appreciate, because it gets to the heart of the matter of our very existence here on workers in the Lord's vineyard.
I pray that many, many more will come out from amongst them and be ye separate.  For the rest of us who love His appearing, I'd like to encourage you to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.  1 Cor 15:58
The Laodicean church is the largest Mega Church on earth.  Its doors of entry are humongous and can be entered from any direction.  There is ample room for as many as desire to attend, for it's space is never filled.  It is beautiful on the outside in it's architecture and its curb appeal is superior to anything you've ever speaks ~ COME! Once inside, all are amazed and captivated by the magnificence of its inward quality of comforts and design.  In layman's terms, it is simply a Mega Human Sarcophagus with all the pleasures, bells and whistles one could imagine to have in the afterlife, all layed out in front of them.  The amenities offered are so appealing to ones desires; there is no threat to ones beliefs, non- tolerance is unacceptable, there is no conviction of sin, God is whoever one wants Him to be, they have all they need and all are one big happy family, waiting for their payday to arrive.  As the people flow in, in droves, eyes are never compelled to look down to see where they are headed.  The adulation is so great, no one hears the cries and screams of those who are before them, falling head first into a bottomless pit of despair and destruction, where there is perpetual fire and weeping and gnashing of teeth. This c.h.u.r.c.h is one HUGE "COMMON HUMANISTIC UNREPENTANT RECREATIONAL COMMUNITY HOUSE" and many there be that find it. 
The SOUL is key! Pray for the souls of many.
"For I determined to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." 1 Cor 2:2
"Jesus is Lord of all or not Lord at all"!
Blessed Be His Name