Lewis Brackett (28 May 2012)
"Peter the Roman and 2012"

Just finished the book......... it is a very interesting history of the Roman church paying considerable attention to the elitist groups such as the Masons and other occult groups seeking to use the church for their own agendas.......

The book is meant for solid Christians and Historians........... its mostly History rather than mystery :)

concerning Malachi's "prophecy" about the final pope being  "Peter the Roman"  its interesting there are at least two Cardinals contending to be the next pope named Peter........... The most powerful and heir apparent to the Papacy  is the Papal secretary of state Cardinal Tarcisco Pietro (Peter) Bertone born in Romano (the Roman  ? ) Canavse.

Once the Pope dies or resigns Cardinal Bertone will be the defacto pope until a successor is appointed by the college of cardinals. and Bertone is the odds on favorite to be the next Pope...........

Several calendars end in 2012 and several historical scholars predicted 2012 as the year of the coming of the AntiChrist

So is 2012 the year? I don't know.  :)  But it is interesting  ..............

Lewis B