Kari (31 May 2012)
"Medal of honor to Dylan for his influence on US, (who admits to selling his soul)"

Obama honors Dylan, other "heroes" for their influence

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama gave the United States' top civilian honor on Tuesday to musician Bob Dylan, novelist Toni Morrison and 11 other people he described as his heroes because of their powerful words, songs and actions.

"What sets these men and women apart is the incredible impact they have had on so many people - not in short, blinding bursts, but steadily, over the course of a lifetime,"

and here's the video of him admitting that he sold his soul to the devil:


Why would we honor such a person for their impact on us while he admits to getting to where he got because he sold his soul to the devil????

Woe to this once great nation, how far we have fallen!!  Oh Lord, in wrath remember mercy.
