JDS (29 May 2012)
"Re:Nicole:Don't Drink Alcohol!"

Hi Nicole, I believe your dream is a very strong warning to believers that we now must remain utterly sober and watch for Him.
And it also is an even stronger warning to those who compromise and have a worldly attitude toward alcohol. I bear witness: the day has come where He will no longer protect those who indulge in this indiscretion. Time is up. Its time to repent.

I would like to say that there is an untruth that you have added to this powerful word from the Lord:
that the wine Jesus changed from water was non alcoholic. Absolutely not true in any way shape or form. The master of the wedding commented on how the wine Jesus changed  was BETTER than the first offered BEST wine that the people were given at weddings, and then when they had drunk freely,  they are served the less high quality, obviously because by then they might not know the difference!

Also, fermented wine was not forbidden at all. DRUNKENESS IS FORBIDDEN.
God gave wine to gladden the heart of man. It is we who have abused it.

Also, the word for wine in Hebrew is "yayin" and in the Greek "oinon". The same word is used in John 2:3,9 and 10, for the first wine and also for the new changed from water wine.
And, the same word "yayin" and "oinon" is used in Mark 2:22 for "new wine".

Wine ferments with in one week. Wine was drunk at Pesach. It was NOT fermented by yeast. Grapes ferment by their own natural sugars, glucose and fructose.
Non-alcoholic wine is simply grape juice, "mitz".

This doctrine that Jesus drank non-alcoholic wine is new doctrine, and historically inaccurate.
Its best to keep truth when bringing a true word of God, which you have been given in your dream.

Alcohol is only poison to those who abuse it. We are FORBIDDEN to get drunk.

In any case, I take the dream to heart, and very seriously. Thank you for sharing it with the Doves.

In Messiah Yeshua,
JD Siegel