Jan (28 May 2012)
"to Patti C---Please continue to share with us all?  :)"

"With all that in mind, maybe it’s time I became a lurker instead of a contributor. Studies that I pour my heart and soul into get no notice, but silly stuff like this, become a big deal. Really makes me sad."

Patti C,

I tend to be a lurker, too....(I occasionally post, but not too often.)
Most folks don't respond to my letters, but I know I also don't respond to most whose posts I enjoy reading. 
My printer just hums, ready to copy the great stuff I find on 5 doves.  Often I don't think to thank the ones who post these things, but I am so blessed by so many posts!

Please keep on sharing what our Lord shows you? We would really miss your anointed input!

In His Love,

YSIC, Jan in AZ