James S (28 May 2012)
"TNT drama..."Falling Skies" episode tonight...."

Beginning of the episode.....a little boy, narrating......"there's a
bright light, that makes like all electronics stop
working.....computers, radios, cars, satellites,
TVs......everything....they blew up army bases, ships, navy
bases,submarines, all the soldiers are gone  .....now, Moms and Dads
have to fight (them).....after that, they (the aliens ......which he
draws pictures of with crayons.....actually all of the things this
little 7 or 8 year old boy is describing,....is shown drawn/depicted in
crayon pictures as he is talking) blew up all the Capitols...New York, Washington D.C.,
Paris.....all the major cities......then, they came.....millions of
them,.....trillions of them...."....(again, while he is narrating/describing
these events....crayon drawings are being shown depicting large numbers
of alien creatures with huge gnashing teeth showing, falling from the sky, space ships
hovering in the skies....
"They killed grown ups, and they capture kids and control them....they
put on harness like things, and they put them on the kids they......they say it
hurts a lot.....(crying now)...."my parents went to get some help one
day....but I know they're gone.....they're dead.....! (Now,...female
adult voice)...."Listen , it's ok to cry....drawing and talking about
it......" This goes on and on.....scenes showing the adults fighting the
aliens in the streets at night.
Shows the adults running in the streets with carts full,of food
....trying to get it back to families.......but the aliens are shooting
at them from the sky.....Chaos and torture are reigning in the streets
as the hideous alien beings are hunting down humans and killing them
......What is amazing, is that much of what they are
depicting.......will likely happen, much of it orchestrated by the
elite.......The scenes are like the movie scenes from the original
"Terminator" movies from the 80s....only on steroids, now.......Mom and
Dad militias are shown attempting to organize and mobilize to fight
against the aliens who have invaded.....
Unbelievable what they have planned for when these things are released
on the world.....these demon entities masquerading as
E.T.s which will be released on the world soon.......

Come Lord Jesus....!

James S.