Jacqui (24 May 2012)
"Re: MAP's "A Vision & A Dream for Interpretation""

Dear M.A.P., 

I think your dream is your version of "The Harbinger." Have you read that or seen any of Jonathon Cahn's teaching on it? (The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment is the DVD, but you can find enough online to kind of get it)

I believe your dream is showing how 9-11 (your bomb sticking out of a skyscraper) and the end judgment of America are related. It spreads from that initial attack - which in your dream, was the bomb in the building. I think, if you read "The Harbinger," you'll really see how your dream relates. As a matter of fact, I would almost see your dream as a confirmation of what he writes, or perhaps, what he writes as a confirmation of your dream! 

Your vision, now, I have absolutely no idea.

Jacqui (WisconsinGardener on most forums)


JANUARY 8, 2012 @ 6:12 A.M. - A DREAM

My husband & I were together in a small room that had furniture, a bed, &
windows on one side covered with venetian blinds.  Somehow, we knew we were
under attack and that bombs were on the way.  We knew we were going to die.
I kept peeking through the blinds to see what was happening.  There was a city
outside.  (I live in a small rural location nowhere near a large city or

I saw a huge bullet-shaped bomb come in & it lodged in the side of a
skyscraper near the top, way off in the distance, & the bomb just stayed
there, sticking out of the building!  I told my husband it wouldn't be long
now.  I kept watching & soon saw a thick dirty yellowish-grey cloud or smoke
begin to roll over the city & it was coming towards us.  We waited.  I was
afraid.  I kept waiting for it to seep into the room & suck the breath from me
& I held my breath trying to avoid the inevitable.  My husband began to pull
the blankets off the bed & made a pallet on the floor next to the bed because
he thought we might be safer on the floor for some reason.

Then another cloud began to creep over the city.  This time it actually came over us & we laid down on the floor together to wait for death!  I kept holding my breath, fearing that each breath would be cut off in mid-gasp!  I was actually hyper-ventilating, so it was hard to tell if the "gas" had affected me or not!!!  I remember thinking of family members & wondering if they knew what was happening and if they were dead or alive.  It seemed like we laid there for a long time & maybe even fell asleep.  Then I woke up at exactly 6:00 A.M.  My first waking thought was, "I hope this isn't a prophetic dream!"

