Jacque Neff (24 May 2012)
"Vision of servicemen"

Hello doves,

   I just thought I would put this out there to see if anyone could offer some insight as to the meaning of this vision I had the other day. I was having my morning devotion time, and not even thinking about anything in regards to the subject matter in this vision.
    Suddenly, I saw in my minds eye, service men from all the branches of the service here in the U.S. they were wearing their uniforms and helmets ect. They were filing into a church, and taking a seat in the pew in front of "me". That's it.  I am puzzled as to what this represents. I am currently seeking the Lord for clarification. Any input would be appreciated!        

UPDATE----- I was getting ready to send this out, as several days have passed since this vision. I had asked the Lord again this AM for an answer as I was sure this had some significance. THEN, I RECEIVED the understanding!!---- it was right under my nose so I didn't see it-----It means MEMORIAL DAY!!!!! I can't believe I didn't "get it". NOW I want to know what this has to do with anything, in regards to all the current timelines and world events! Things are really getting INTERESTING.....
    In Jesus Love,
    Jacquel Neff