Gail (31 May 2012)
"EU Superstate- UK David Cameron is in the way"

On the way to recapitalization- the 'Mark of the Beast', energy is the vehicle used.

European Commission Recommends Euro Banking Union  May 30th, 2012                                                         "in cross-border crisis management and burden sharing, moves towards a 'banking union' would be an important complement to the current structure of [the Economic and Monetary Union]," the European Commission said in the documents.

"In the same vein, to sever the link between banks and the sovereigns, direct recapitalization (the process involves the exchange of one form of financing for another) by the ESM might be envisaged," it added.

Cameron irritates as euro’s High Noon approaches  May 28, 2012

Uk Prime Minister David Cameron received an unusual but thoroughly deserved reprimand from Mario Draghi, the ECB president, who told him to mind his own business. Draghi’s intervention, was an admonition for the U.K. leader to desist from any kind of pressure on Europe's Central Bank.   Prime Minister Cameron, by taking sides in the EMU argument between debtors and creditors, is generating bad blood on both sides — and risks putting himself and his country at a disadvantage when it comes to repairing the damage after the storm breaks from a greek euro exit. In the inevitable recriminations that will follow a coming EMU dislocation, Britain could theoretically be in demand as an “honest broker” to help heal wounds and produce compromises between competing factions — similar to the role previous U.K. governments played in successive European monetary crises in the 1980s and 1990s.   But Cameron by annoying other leaders with his crass comments on ECB's solution to the greek euro crisis, seems very unlikely to be able to play this constructive role.

 Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, who offered unsolicited advice to euro members, has been told to mind his own business. 

I've told you how HRH P.Charles restructures EU debt financing. Watch it happen, following the 'fall-out' after the military strike on the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant.

The U.S. New Madrid earthquake follows.

Israel blurs President Obama’s chance of reelection

A new poll shows that nearly two-thirds of Americans disapprove of the way President Obama is handling gasoline prices.


Team Obama will travel the world in a bid to move all to put pressure on Israel.

Sixty-five percent disapprove of Obama’s performance on prices at the pump, which have surged in recent weeks, while 26 percent approve and 9 percent had no opinion, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday.

Here's one blogger's views-

Iran basically tells Washington:

- If you sink us, we will sink you.

Obama knows this is the truth. First and foremost the Iranians are correct in regards to Obama’s chances in getting reelected to the White House.

When the President says “all options are on the table” regarding Iran, he tells just another lie. He will not do anything that will jeopardize his chances to get four new years in the White House.

Between him and his Muslim friends in Iran, stands the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. Both Washington and Tehran will do what it takes to neutralize the threat of Zionism.  The Islamic Revolution, and Obama have a common enemy they must defeat to remain in power.


Mid-Point- March 21st, 2013

God Bless,
