Frank R Molver (5 May 2012)
"Steve re sensitivity to homosexuality issue"
Well Steve, if taking the words in the New Testament literally and seriously makes me a legalist,
I guess that is what I am.
Funny thing, people consider the old testament rules legalism, we are not bound by them now, true.
So, the question is, does the New Testament have rules and standards?
Or can you just do anything you want as long as you say the sinners prayer?
How foolish is that?
So, now, if I chose to believe the warnings in the new Testament and heed the consequences,
I am now legalistic.
Doesn't the New Testament say that except you repent, you shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven?
So, it is not just a prayer but is repentance.
That means to renounce your former lifestyle and go the other direction, towards God.
If I ask Jesus into my life and do not repent, I am not saved.
So that is what we have now, lots of people who want to go to heaven but not change their lifestyle.
And that is what you are saying, so some how you think that is grace.
Grace is not leading some one on the path to hell, there really is a hell you know
Ephesians 5 is very clear about what life styles will not get you to heaven.
Homosexuality is one of them.