Frank Molver (2 May 2012)
"Penny's Chicago bomb vision, ? confirmation"
The above is a pretty amazing vision.
The Nato summit is going to happen at the McCormick center just south of that May 22
That is the largest convention center in the US
It is very close to Millennium Park
This prophetic warning of attack may be the result of a strike on Iran
Or it could be what ignites the strike on Iran
Nicole Poon shared some visions that appear to be an attack on a tower in Chicago
It had one tall radio tower in the corner like the Trump Tower
That is very close to that park that you mentioned next to the lake and river
they are all very close together.
this is a google map of the area
Trump Tower is at the top
Millenium Park is in the middle next to the lake
McCormick Center is at the bottom next to the lake