Clay Cantrell (24 May 2012)
"Those Who Were Left Alive and Remained, Genesis 5"

Readers -

Enoch is 'taken' in Bible year 987. see Genesis 5:24.

At that time, Adam has been dead 57 years and Noah won't be born for another 69 years.

so, of the 10 Patriarchs, eight are still alive including Enoch. Here are their ages when Enoch is "taken" by God (I think on June 11th):

Seth = 857
Enosh = 752
Kenan = 662
Mahalalel = 592
Jared = 527
Enoch = 365
Methuselah = 300
Lamech = 113

As it were, these are the men "who are alive and remain" when Enoch ascends.

I'm not sure exactly when I started working with the 527 number, but it probably was in January 1999, or 2000. When I saw base conversions tied to Jared, I think the Lord just impressed on me that of all the ages listed above, his age seemed most important, probably due to the fact that he is Enoch's father. Father & Son.

I also felt very strongly that if we could understand how Genesis 5 related to our current timeline (if it does), then wherever 527 was in that timeline, there the Rapture would be, if Enoch was the type of that.

When the 12/97 visitation occurred, I didn't write the exact days down due to the overwhelming nature of the event. later, I reconstructed it with the Lord's help, though I did know it was during the first week of December that year.

It was December 5th (12.05), day 339 non leap year. this triplet locked it down for me: 339 + 527 + 339 = 1205

Add all the Patriarch ages together from Seth through Jared, as Jared is the target.

857 + 752 + 662 + 592 + 527 =

    3390 (339 x 10)


That confirms (at least to me) that Jared's age at 527 has to do with the number 339, and that why God started it with me on that day number 339.

the year 1997 is Israel's year 5757, until Rosh Hashana occurred on Oct 2. then it became Israel year 5758.

God's book is about Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son.
Jesus (888) + Christ (1480)  gematria is = 2368.

    5758 - 2368 = 3390.


I don't know how it works really, but I can't shake the idea that Genesis 5 matches our current timeline in History...somehow. That is God's beginning timeline, and we are at the End timeline.