Clay Cantrell (16 May 2012)
"re Frank Molver, Planets and My Confirming Dream"

Readers -

Frank Molver posted this sketch from Nicole Poon today 5.15.12

Early in the morning, I had a dram which I do not remember most of. I do remember this notable detail though-

In the dream I was standing before a closed door, which suddenly opened away from me, and a male, shorter than I, siad nothing but reached his hand through the doorway and held a white card in front of me with a diagram on it. It all happened very quickly then I awoke. the art on the card was black and white, and I have reproduced that art and attached it to this email.

It was like an infographic out of a textbook on astronomy. To the right was clearly a diagram of our solar system with the planets placed on concentric rings radiating out from the sun. (I understand that in relaity the planets orbits are neither equal nor circular). The viewer is up above looking down on the system.

To the left is an outline of a man's head, with his brain area clearly shown. What the viewer cannot tell from this art is that in the dream, the white lines in the brain area did not represent brain structure, but rather brain activity. The man was thinking and understanding something about what he was viewing to his right, the solar system.

I deduce the following, that there was some information from God abut the solar system that man could understand or that God was revealing to him.

I have written years ago about Enoch and his connection to the planet Uranus, which I will post again. This infographic, though not mentioning the Rapture per se, seems to be confirmed by Frank's post of the sketch from Nicole Poon.

The planets will be in a certain "arrangement", when viewed from above. What this is I have no idea.