Clay Cantrell (16 May 2012)
"Dream of the Atrium, The Candelabra & Grant Jeffrey"

Readers -

I was very sad to read that Grant Jeffrey had gone to be with the Lord. I really respect and have enjoyed his books and Bible Prophecy programs. Before he went on to Jesus on 5.11.12 from a heart attack, I had read the first ministry announcement asking for prayer for him as he was in critical condition in the hospital. After praying, I read that and I wondered about something, related to a dream I had on 4.12.12, the Dream of the Atrium found here:

In the dream, my puzzle-solving companion, whom I refer to as "R" (didn't know his name) and I found ourselves by a glass-topped table with a dark metal candelabra on it, made to look like interwoven vines. It had many candlesticks or places for oils lamps but none were lit, they had all gone out. When "R" moved the jar of lavender oil from one candlestick to another it symbolized the death of a certain person, their passing from earth to heaven.

notice my last sentences from that paragraph, specifically the last sentence, which I quote here:

"The second person, represented by the Lavender oil vial, will not live long enough to go in the Rapture, but will see Jesus by going through death's door. This was what was meant by the moving of the vial from one location in the candelabra to another. It was the death and transfer of the person from earth to heaven. (Lavender [spikenard] is associated with the Lord Jesus' death in the account of the breaking of the alabaster box). I think it also means this specific person is the last of a GROUP of people represented by the unlit (or missing) candles of the candelabra."

Grant Jeffrey is NOT the person that the jar of lavender oil is represented by - that person's name was revealed to me in the dream -  but I do believe he is one of the GROUP, if the dream is actually from God.

I have no idea who is in this group, nor do I know how many people are in it, but when I saw Grant Jeffrey was critically ill, my hunch was that he was not going to survive, but that he would go on to heaven, but that he was one of this specific group.

I will say that I don't think the candelabra had more than eight or so candlesticks or oil lamps on it, and all those candles represent christian people who have died or will die and go on to Jesus.

Jesus is Lord.