Christina (31 May 2012)
"For all Doves: Does this date mean anything?"

For all Doves: Does this date mean anything???
Dear Doves,  I was not one that see's numbers. Until this year when I started seeing 11:11 and 111,,, which I have no idea what they mean.. the true meaning anyway. (now 111 more than 11:11).
The other night after praying and going to sleep,,, In my sleep I heard the date " 8-3". (like it was whispered in my ear)
I had a knowing even though it was not said, that it was "2012".
It was as though there was no need to mention the year to me.
I do not know if this date has any meaning. I have NEVER heard a date in my sleep or even numbers. I wasn't even going to say anything on here about it. But it has just kinda been in the back of my mind and has not gone away.
Could this date mean anything for us????
P.S. I didn't want to say anything, cause it could be from the enemy... I don't know.