Charles (4 May 2012)
"I had a meeting yesterday"

I had a meeting yesterday it went well! This little nugget of pride came upon me and I felt like I ate bad meat! I realize how close we must be Jesus is scrubbing any stain clean on those calling for his redeeming blood! I know in my heart God deserves the glory! Guys things gelled in my head after I repented of that feeling! There is a ring of fire eclipse May 20th! Solar eclipses are foreboding for the world there is a lunar eclipse June 4th! Lunar eclipses are foreboding for Israel! Actually Israel is calling up 28 reserve battalions if my math is right six plus 22 more! I admit I am not mathman! The super moon I saw in my dream is May 5th another poster here mentioned the speculated day of psalm 83 is may 6th this would correspond to my vision of one more 8+ earthquake before the rapture! The day they are talking about the evil coming down is May 20th the ring of fire eclipse! May 21st the Russians are coming to drill! The NATO summit they are talking about evacuating Chicago why? Let me just throw out this that NATO has 28 members! Of these the core members are TEN members of the WEU! Cough cough nudge nudge! That hit me like a brick! Then there is unescos warning the Caribbean islands should prepare for a tsunami! As for charities dream it fits pentacost but also Ascencion day! Many have had dreams the rapture is on a Thursday myself included! I also have seen eights everywhere after the rapture! They also were the tornados! Eight is the warning scale for tornado! The fact is pentacost is bracketed by two nines the numbers christsaves88 saw in connection to the massive earthquake! We seem to have two fits for the rapture May 17th ten days of tribulation them may 27th could the firstfruits go may 17th then Sardis go may 27th? Dual rapture dual fillfulment no man truly could know the hour or day he would go but man the season is here for those with eyes to see and ears to hear! I have always also been a Rosh Hoshanna traditionalist but guys things are happening so far out of the box way but still just as scripted! So much time spent watching was our training over these four years so many called to watch at that time! No one we try to warn can understand unless as Nicole said they watched thousands of videos, read thousands of articles. Read the bible every day they were watching and had the holy spirit lead us here! Watch I say watch and study to be a workman approved! The people on this site are giving the readers the cliff notes so they may still pass the exam! Guys supermoon may 5-6th watch out west and east coasts! Ring of fire solar eclipse may 20th! The Russians red dawn may 21st? Does anyone really believe we will be here next Rosh Hoshanna!